My question basically comes down to what products are compatible with the Chaos Campaign rules? It appears that all of the Jihad, Operational and Historical Turning Points are scenarios designed for the system. Reading the Chaos Campaign rules, it seems to be just the ticket to providing some storyline to our BT combats. While just doing last man standing or team vs team BT matches are fun, they lack substance of a storyline. My foray into GMing BT basically consisted of owning and operating a mercenary company, but I suffered from not having a very well defined rule system leaving me to create most of the rules on my own (see lack of creativity above). In addition to MW being fairly deadly to player characters (leading to character detachment and lack of rounded characters - everyone only took mech combat skills), we typically only played BT for the mech combat. I had previously tried running a MechWarrior campaign, but I suffer from lack of creativity (I am not a gamemaster). My group is in a transition phase where we are bored with our current RPGs and are looking for a break with something different. ↑ The Wars of Reaving Supplemental, p.Hi, new to the forums (you can save your welcomes), but have been a longtime off-and-on BattleTech player (though not so much in the last decade) since the late 80's.↑ Record Sheets: 3055 Upgrades Unabridged, p.192–193: "Sabutai OmniFighter Profile and BV listing" Offensive firepower comes from a nose-mounted ER PPC and a pair of iATM-9 launchers mounted in the wings. Alternate Configuration Z This version of the Sabutai was developed by The Society and, like most of their designs, it carries a Nova CEWS.An ECM suite disrupts electronics while a medium pulse laser covers the after aspect of the fighter. Alternate Configuration X Also introduced during the Jihad, the Sabutai X carries five LRM-20 launchers paired with experimental Artemis V Fire Control Systems.The E configuration carries more fuel than the others, allowing it to remain on-station for a longer time. For rear defense, the fighter carries a heavy small laser. Once they're identified, the pilot engages them with a HAG/40 and heavy medium laser in each wing. Alternate Configuration E Appearing during the Jihad the Sabutai E carries a nose-mounted active probe to find enemy targets.An ER medium laser is dropped from each wing to increase the extra number of double heat sinks carried to 24 in an effort to cope with the D's increased heat output. Alternate Configuration D Building on the success of the Sabutai C, the D configuration replaces the four ER large lasers with four heavy large lasers, but retaining the ER small lasers.This configuration is excellent for strafing runs and dogfighting. It uses a quad-mount of ER large lasers with two ER small lasers in the core on its nose, while the wings carry three ER medium lasers. Alternate Configuration C The C configuration is an all energy variant, and as such boosts the mounted double heat sinks to 22.It is a rare configuration, seen only among the toumans of Clan Nova Cat and Clan Steel Viper. It mounts five LRM-20 launchers, a large pulse laser, and an ER small laser on the nose, and a medium pulse laser aft to discourage pursuit. Alternate Configuration B The B configuration is an artillery spotter, carrying sophisticated electronics including an ECM suite and a TAG spotting laser it can also designate targets with its 12 Narc pods.A backup array of ER small lasers, one fitted next to each autocannon, and a pair of ER medium lasers mounted aft barely provide enough protection when it attempts to resupply. Alternate Configuration A Featuring a trio of large bore autocannons, a nose-mounted LB 20-X AC supported by an UAC/20 in each wing, this configuration can unleash a incredibly devastating hail of fire, but is hampered by only carrying three tons of LB-X reloads and a mere two tons for the ammo-hungry ultra autocannons.