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Deviant art view previously read comments

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These new terms of service should not affect your feed at all if you have the “Display Mature Content” toggle off! It can also only be accessed by deviants 18+ who opt-in to Subscriptions and Premium Galleries that include the new mature content. DeviantArt outages reported in the last 24 hours This chart shows a view of problem reports submitted in the past 24 hours compared to the typical volume of reports by time of day. I don’t want to see mature content on my feed. Check out our policy on mature content for more details. Please make sure to still read up on what is not permitted to keep your account in good standing. We’ve expanded the types of mature content to allow more varieties of illustrative, consensual sexualized content. Our scan shows DeviantArt website is free from malware and phishing activities, which are types of online threats that can include viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, and other malicious code, as social engineering tactics used to trick users into sharing their personal information.

deviant art view previously read comments

What new content can I post in my Subscriptions and Premium Galleries? If you’re someone who doesn’t create or view mature content, your DeviantArt experience remains the same. If you’re an artist who creates mature content or you’re a fan of such an artist, you now have more flexibility and options with the type of content that can live within Subscriptions and Premium Galleries.

#Deviant art view previously read comments update

Deviations and art that were previously allowed to be published on the site before this update are still allowed. You cannot see every comment you have ever made, only 20 or so most recent. This update doesn’t change anything in regards to free or shared content. Go to your profile and click on the Recent Activity portion of the profile bar, next to the stats, then click on More Activity. Learn more about what is permitted when using these features. This option allows mature artists to create more content for their audiences, while maintaining a more work-safe feed for those who are not interested in 18+ content. To support artists looking to monetize NSFW (not safe for work) content, DeviantArt is expanding its Terms of Service for art in Subscriptions and Premium Galleries.

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